Employees' WRS account balances are expected to grow this year, as ETF projects an increase in the effective rates for the Core and Variable Fund contributions.
The Core effective rate is projected to be between 7.3% and 7.7%, with the Variable effective rate between 17% and 21%.
These figures are merely projections based on preliminary 2024 investment performance of the WRS Trust Funds.
The effective rate of interest is applied to your account balances once a year.
For the Core Fund, the effective rate includes a five-year smoothing that incorporates investment performance in the last five years. On the other hand, the Variable Fund’s effective rate fully recognizes the investment performance of the previous year and does not have the smoothing feature.
ETF will announce the actual effective rates in February 2025. The final rates will be reflected in your annual WRS Statement of Benefits in April 2025.