ETF requires a member’s Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) or Social Security number (SSN) to administer benefits. What should employers do when you have employees or their dependents without one of these numbers?

Employers must perform due diligence to obtain this information. But, in the event your employee does not provide this information, you must complete and submit the Employer Affidavit: Employee, Spouse, and/or Dependent Without Taxpayer Identification Number (ET-1907), with the required documentation, to ETF.

You as the employer, must use this form to provide:

  • Employee/subscriber demographics
  • Spouse/dependent(s) demographics
  • An employer-created nine-digit identification number for the employee/subscriber (in lieu of the missing ITINs or SSNs)
  • ETF Employer ID 
  • Employer agent’s certifying signature

Contact ETF with any questions. Email